Eastertide is the period of time between Easter Sunday and the Feast of Pentecost - 50 days.
It is a time of reflection on the resurrection of Jesus and our readings and hymns reflect this period of celebration. The Paschal Candle, which was first lit on Easter Sunday, stands in front of the altar - a timely reminder of the light of Jesus Christ in our lives.
The readings that are used concentrate on the appearance of the risen Jesus to his disciples.
This is a season of celebration for us.
Alleluia! - Christ is Risen!
It is a time of reflection on the resurrection of Jesus and our readings and hymns reflect this period of celebration. The Paschal Candle, which was first lit on Easter Sunday, stands in front of the altar - a timely reminder of the light of Jesus Christ in our lives.
The readings that are used concentrate on the appearance of the risen Jesus to his disciples.
This is a season of celebration for us.
Alleluia! - Christ is Risen!