Uniformed Organisations
St Alban's is very pleased to have links with the Uniformed Organisations.
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts encourage their members to experience the outdoors, interact with others, gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, and reach their full potential.
We welcome members of our uniformed organisations together with their friends and families to our Parade Services for Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent) and Harvest Festival (usually in early October).
Please see below for details of meetings.
Every Monday at 5.30 p.m. in the Scout Hut (go through the green gates beside the church).
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts encourage their members to experience the outdoors, interact with others, gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, and reach their full potential.
We welcome members of our uniformed organisations together with their friends and families to our Parade Services for Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent) and Harvest Festival (usually in early October).
Please see below for details of meetings.
Every Monday at 5.30 p.m. in the Scout Hut (go through the green gates beside the church).